The Ultimate Guide to Mocap and Animation in Game Development
In this free e-book, our technical community manager goes through his workflows to teach you how to get everything to play well together - from importing and retargeting, to blending and cleanup.
If you want to get into animating game characters and making your own game in Unity, you have come to the right place.
The Animator component in Unity is a powerful tool to play and blend animations with game logic. In this free e-book, our technical community manager goes through his workflows to teach you how to get everything to play well together - from importing and retargeting, to blending and cleanup. We wrote this free e-book to show you a realistic take on the process, including how to solve commonly occurring problems yourself. There are also plenty of resources for you to continue the journey on your own, including a third-person sample project from Unity, for you to deconstruct and modify.

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Credit: Marco Mori, Jon Noorlander