The easiest way to animate characters - live webinar for digital creators (+ free mocap!)
Join Rokoko’s Creative Director Sam Lazarus for a free webinar, showing you how to get started with affordable motion capture from your own home, while showcasing the endless possibilities for digital content creation.
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Webinar talking points:
- Intro: Rokoko’s vision on democratizing the motion capture industry and empowering digital creators with affordable solutions for body, fingers and face tracking.
- Live practical demonstration of the Smartsuit Pro II, Smartgloves and Face capture showcasing the various use-cases of the sensor-based technology.
- How to record, clean and export your motions with an A-Z walkthrough of our free Studio software.
- Easy retargeting in Blender with the Rokoko plugin to transfer your motions on to different characters, creatures or abstract shapes.
- Announcing the Raffle winner who is going home with a Full Performance motion capture bundle.
- Q&A from the audience with a bunch of exciting Rokoko panelists.
Bonus: Free mocap when signing up!
Receive 25 Star Wars themed mocap assets in your inbox when registering for the webinar, free to use in all your projects. The mocap was produced by Sam with the Smartsuit Pro and Smartgloves, enjoy his acting!